Cleaning your makeup brush can be an extremely easy process! The first step you want to take is to turn the brush downward and run warm water over the brush hairs. Turning the hairy part of the brush down into the water insures the metal part will not get wet and rust. A fancy makeup cleaner is not needed to clean your brushes. Simply take a mild shampoo or hand soap and pour it on your finger tips. Massage the soap in the hairs of the brush before placing it back under the water.
Once the brush is under the water stream, squeeze the brush hairs from the handle to the tips over and over. You can feel the dirt and grime of the brush coming off of the brush under the water. Shake the brush off after pulling it from under the water and examine the texture of the hairs. If the hairs continue to feel heavy and hard, place the brush back under the stream of water and continue rubbing soap up and down the brush.
When you feel the brush is completely clean lay it sideways on a paper towel. Also, be sure to shape the brush so that you don’t have a splayed out brush. A splayed brush can make it really hard (and uncomfortable) to prepare your makeup. Make sure you let the brushes dry completely before you apply your makeup. Rotating your brushes will insure you always have a brush to use even when others are being washed.
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